Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NBA...Jane Eyre...Moms...Absolutes

Okay, if you enjoy the above as I do then sit back down on your chair to collect yourself and stop looking around for the nearest person to share this spectacle with. I love athletes who work from their core. Blake echoes Rafael Nadal on the court. He's not quite the consistent tiger Nadal is, but close. If you need some more bum-from-the-chair-raising highlights, google last weekend's Australian Open final highlights between the Tiger and Djokovic. Tennis has surpassed the glory of Sampras and Agassi.

But if you need to study, like I do tonight, I need to recommend the soundtrack to the recently released Jane Eyre movie adaptation. It is the right stuff.

For other thoughts, I had a lecture today about medicare reimbursement. For an emergency physician to stop a nosebleed he will apply and bill for a "nasal tampon." This minor procedure nets him $80. So if moms earned more than a nickel for every nosebleed they stopped, they for sure would be millionaires.

Also, I love absolutes, but sharing my thoughts tonight on two absolutes will have to wait until another post because it doesn't fit into the mood of tonight's words...


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